title: Gas-Grain Chemical Models in the Star- and Planetary System Formation authors: Yuri Aikawa (Kobe University) abstract: Star- and planetary system formation is a dynamical phenomenon. To understand the molecular evolution in star- and planetary system formation, we calculate gas-grain chemical model along the dynamical evolution of the molecular clouds, cores and protosplanetary disks. I will review recent results of our work: water ice formation in cloud formation [1], chemistry in a collapsing core and a forming disk[2][3], and simple and complex molecules in protplanetary disks[4][5]. [1] Furuya et al. in prep [2] Yoneda et al. in prep [3] Aota, Inoue & Aikawa 2015, ApJ, 799, id.141 [4] Aikawa et al. submitted to ApJ [5] Furuya & Aikawa 2014, ApJ, 790, id. 97